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    Before Hollywood, there was the Salvation Army

    • Barry Gittins
    • 29 August 2024

    In the early 20th century, the Salvation Army emerged as a dominant player in the nascent film industry. From pioneering filmmaking techniques to navigating the first moral dilemmas around film censorship, their cinematic journey is a fascinating, often-forgotten chapter in film history.


    A national declaration of dignity

    • Joseph Camilleri
    • 28 August 2024

    As Australia faces numerous moral crises from domestic inequality to global militarization, a proposed national charter of principles could to reshape our society and redefine our global role. This declaration would acknowledge Indigenous dispossession, prioritize human rights, and shift focus from military alliances to human security.


    Stephanie Alexander and the family table

    • Claire Heaney
    • 02 August 2024

    When Stephanie Alexander released the immensely popular The Cook’s Companion in 1996, she became a literal household name. The reason for her success lies perhaps in the knowledge that the true essence of cooking lies not in perfection, but in the act of coming together.


    On the buses

    • Michele Frankeni
    • 30 July 2024

    From the colorful cast of characters to the unexpected moments of human connection with local multicultural, multi-ethnic communities, the humble bus ride offers a surprising window into the soul of a city and can be a source of joy if you let it. 


    Everyone agrees we should protect the vulnerable, but who exactly are they?

    • Justin Glyn
    • 03 July 2024

    None of us — even those experiencing vulnerability, whether temporary or resulting from a permanent infirmity of some kind — should be perceived as an object of protection; instead, each one of us is a collaborator in our own care, and in the care of others.


    New schools funding model will likely entrench class divides

    • Chris Curtis
    • 27 June 2024

    In the new schools funding model, schools at the upper and middle parts of the parental income spectrum will find budgets getting tighter each year, and fees will likely increase. The worst affected schools will be those whose parents earn higher incomes but which have kept their fees low so that poorer families may also enrol their children.


    Sports betting is ruining more than our sports

    • Tim Costello
    • 26 June 2024

    Gambling is now so entrenched in the AFL and NFL it is changing the way people, especially young people, follow sport. With former AFL chief Gillon McLachlan set to become CEO at Tabcorp, we should consider the profound impact of gambling on Australian society.


    The love of a good convent

    • Gerard Windsor
    • 16 February 2024
    1 Comment

    Casamari, my destination for the night, was fifteen kilometres more walking. The signs pointed off the road, but I must have missed one. By this time, I had wandered too far to simply retrace my steps. I was lost. To be on this walk is to convince you that Italy is composed entirely of mountains.


    The twilight of Western dominance in a world split in two

    • David James
    • 13 December 2023
    1 Comment

    As the world thawed post-Cold War, a debate raged over global supremacy, with Western powers predicting a unipolar world dominated by liberal democracy. Contrarily, others envisioned a future shaped by cultural and religious divides. In a shifting geopolitical landscape, the echoes of this debate continue to challenge long-held assumptions on global power dynamics.


    Hitting rock bottom

    • Andrew Hamilton
    • 29 November 2023

    Sometimes the darkness of the world, not to mention of our personal lives, can overwhelm us. When we hear of children killed unrepentantly, for example, human rights routinely denied, the cooking of the world locked in, and nations entrusting power to wilful children. How do you deal with such a dark vision?


    Forgive us our debts

    • David James
    • 23 November 2023

    If money is just a set of rules, we need to ask, how can these rules best serve society and not cause crises? We know, after thousands of years of evidence, that the debt-based system of money eventually self-destructs, and this time, the effects are likely to be felt around the world. 


    Good for the economy

    • Justine Toh
    • 24 November 2022
    1 Comment

    When we talk about ‘the economy’, we assume there’s only one worth knowing about: the market economy. That’s why we speak about the economy and GDP in the same breath: we treat the sum of goods and services produced and sold — and the profits we hope they’ll add to the bottom line — as our measure of the health of the nation. Which would be fine if the market economy was the only one that existed.