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Keywords: Jesuit Communications


    Religious media battles the tides

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 26 September 2024

    There once might have been a distinction between ‘Christian journalism’ and ‘Christian PR’, however today those lines are far more muddied. The demise of the Australasian Religious Press Association might have been brought about by changing tides, but for those of us left it leaves one less lifebuoy to cling to.


    Familiar patterns

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 12 September 2024

    I’m now the same age my father was when he was diagnosed with cancer. I wonder about my own genetics and my two young children. Of course, there are things we can do to potentially influence our destiny, but so much of who we are is written in our bodies in permanent ink.


    Sports gambling ninjas endangering kids

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 11 September 2024

    Gambling ads are infiltrating children's sports content, raising concerns about the impact on the development of young minds. Is our current gambling culture something we want to hand on to the next generation?


    Gerry O'Collins: Seeking the good, true and beautiful

    • Julian Butler
    • 26 August 2024

    Gerry had a wonderful way of making people feel welcome. He wanted to see people at their best and his company allowed others to be so. Gerry’s life was peopled by some of the most significant figures in the global Church, and in political and cultural society more broadly, but he wore those connections lightly. 


    Sports but make it art

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 05 August 2024

    Imagine a universe where the arts, rather than sport, gets all the money and attention from the masses. But we'd be mistaken if we it tried to set up art and sport as opposite rather than complementary pursuits.


    The Productivity Commission's magical thinking

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 25 July 2024

    While proposing broader access to tax deductibility for some charities, the Productivity Commission's new report on charitable giving suggests removing benefits for religious entities. This raises serious questions about the role of religion in fostering charitable giving and the potential consequences of these reforms for Australia's charitable landscape.


    Where the media vultures gather

    • Andrew Hamilton
    • 25 July 2024

    Recent media pressure led to two high profile resignations. Joe Biden, after resisting pressure to do so, has abandoned his re-election bid and English professional football manager Gareth Southgate resigned. The part played by the media merits reflection on the human vulnerability of persons in public life and of those involved in reporting on it. 


    Violence and virtue in an age of monsters

    • Julian Butler
    • 22 July 2024

    Trump's public persona, controversial as it may be, does not in any way justify or diminish the severity of such violence. However, we must also recognize that there exists a broader culture of violence to which individuals can simultaneously contribute and fall victim. 


    Why are we being forced to buy into AI?

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 18 July 2024

    In a world racing to embrace AI, we rarely hear about AI's voracious appetite for energy. As tech giants like Google and Microsoft see their emissions soar, questions arise about the environmental cost of this digital revolution. Is AI's promise worth the toll on our climate goals?


    Winter raffle winners announced

    • Staff
    • 15 July 2024

    Society of Jesus in Victoria–Jesuit Communications Winter Raffle 2024. Raffle drawn on Wednesday 10 July 2024. All winners have been notified. Congratulations to the winners and thank you to everyone who supported our Winter raffle.


    Bruise-free ministry

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 01 July 2024

    Last month, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference released a pastoral statement on religion and sport. And while commending sport’s ability to promote growth in individuals and foster healthy communities, if sport is to be a field of mission, it should be more willing to dive into those places where the 'bruises' occur.


    When does news become a distraction?

    • Julian Butler
    • 17 June 2024

    There's a fine line between consuming news as a numbing distraction, and engaging with news that reminds me of human community. Even with the best of intentions to be informed and engaged, too often I find myself if not despairing, then at least lost in the volume.