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Keywords: States


    Surge in protectionism creates new era of global trade

    • David James
    • 06 August 2024

    In a world increasingly divided by geopolitical tensions, a new wave of protectionism is reshaping global trade. As nations turn inward, once-dominant economic models are being dismantled and new strategies are emerging. Is Australia prepared?


    Harris v. Trump: The view from Canberra

    • James Massola
    • 31 July 2024

    The November election is shaping up to be a pivotal moment for Australia. With either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump at the helm of the United States, Australia could be affected in unexpected ways, from how we deal with China to trade policies and our relationships in the Asia-Pacific region. 


    Vatican document focuses on process, not problems

    • Bill Uren
    • 30 July 2024

    The Vatican's new Instrumentum Laboris outlines the path forward for the Synod on Synodality, but with a heavy emphasis on process over substance. While it acknowledges the need for greater women's involvement, it firmly reinforces the authority of the Pope and bishops, raising questions about the true potential for change.


    Only in America

    • Peter Craven
    • 25 July 2024

    It’s easy, isn’t it – much too easy – to invoke the standard response that only in the so-called Land of the Free could these things transpire. A vulgar, mendacious man who has refused to believe that he lost the last election is now the improbable victim of an assassination attempt. And the incumbent president, who has not done badly at his impossible job, surrenders his chance at re-election.


    Universities struggle to keep pace with AI integrity challenges

    • Erica Cervini
    • 25 July 2024

    To counter threats to academic integrity posed by AI, universities need to continually update policies, alongside placing additional emphasis on examining what makes effective academic writing. 


    Donald Trump: 'I had God on my side'

    • Warwick McFadyen
    • 24 July 2024

    Following the assassination attempt, Donald Trump evidently sees his survival as a sign from God, in whom he very likely does not believe, that he is certain to achieve victory this November. It seems Trump’s religious road veers towards whichever destination offers him the greatest prize.


    Violence and virtue in an age of monsters

    • Julian Butler
    • 22 July 2024

    Trump's public persona, controversial as it may be, does not in any way justify or diminish the severity of such violence. However, we must also recognize that there exists a broader culture of violence to which individuals can simultaneously contribute and fall victim. 


    Legislating the right to a home of our own

    • Ken Haley
    • 18 July 2024

    With homelessness rising and housing affordability plummeting, Independents propose a radical solution: a National Housing Plan. In challenging both major parties, can they create a system that provides a roof over the heads of all Australians?


    On reading electoral entrails

    • Andrew Hamilton
    • 18 July 2024

    In the wake of recent elections in Britain and France, global democracies are seeing voters reject established parties amidst a deepening cycle of disillusionment. But can a return to honesty and integrity in politics break this downward spiral? 


    An American crisis

    • Warwick McFadyen
    • 15 July 2024

    Following the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, politicians, including the US President were quick to condemn the shooting, all saying it had no place in American society or democracy. Tell that to children killed by gunfire. Every day, guns take young lives in the US. Gun violence was recently declared a national health crisis in the United States. 


    Uncertainty in a time of conviction

    • David Halliday
    • 15 July 2024

    Why do we often find ourselves locked into courses of action that seem destined for failure? Despite calls for Biden to step aside following a shaky debate performance, the President stands firm in his re-election bid. Is it time we valued the courage to change course as much as we value the courage of one’s convictions?


    Old men for an old order

    • Ken Haley
    • 11 July 2024

    Whatever the outcome in the United States elections, the most powerful countries are ruled by elderly men. This fundamental and ominous failure of a new generation to supplant its elders bodes ill for the future.