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    A brief recess

    • Staff
    • 10 July 2016

    After an eventful first half of the year and a seemingly interminable federal election campaign, we here at Eureka Street are going to take a breather for a couple of weeks. It's an opportunity to refresh and reset for the second half of the year. We will have new articles coming your way on 25 July 2016. Stay tuned!


    2015 in review: Melbourne medicos' refugee heroism

    • Justin Glyn
    • 11 January 2016

    Health care professionals at the Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital have begun to do what could not be achieved by reports from the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Australia's Human Rights Commission. The doctors and staff are refusing to release children they treat back to the detention which caused their problems in the first place. By this brave act has begun the slow task of pouring daylight (always the best antiseptic) into this gaping wound in Australian society.

  • Christmas Raffle 2015 - Winners

    • Staff
    • 08 December 2015

    The Society of Jesus in Victoria, Jesuit Communications Christmas Raffle 2015 was drawn on Tuesday 8 December 2015 (Permit No 10861/15 issued 18 August 2015). Congratulations to the winners: 1st prize: T. Fogarty, VIC; 2nd prize: C. McHardy, NSW; 3rd prize: C. Walsh, NSW; 4th prize: G. Day, NSW Thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas raffle. If you missed the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets but would like to support us financially, please consider making a donation.


    Naming and renaming uni's racist monuments

    • Jeff Sparrow
    • 02 December 2015

    For many years, historian Gary Foley has drawn attention to the racist past inscribed throughout the infrastructure of Melbourne University. Now, some staff and students are campaigning to rename facilities linked to particularly egregious individuals, such as the Richard Berry building, named after a leading eugenicist who stole the corpses of Indigenous people for research designed to prove the racial superiority of whites. While some accuse the campaigners of politically correct censorship, in fact the past has already been censored, and the campaigners are dragging it back into the light.


    Melbourne medicos bring detained children into the light

    • Justin Glyn
    • 13 October 2015

    Health care professionals at the Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital have begun to do what could not be achieved by reports from the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Australia's Human Rights Commission. The doctors and staff are refusing to release children they treat back to the detention which caused their problems in the first place. By this brave act has begun the slow task of pouring daylight (always the best antiseptic) into this gaping wound in Australian society.


    Reflect and connect to give peace a chance

    • Andrew Hamilton
    • 24 September 2015

    This year's International Day of Peace comes amid much war-making. Those with a feel for history may see it as an echo of an idealistic age that had experienced years of war and was determined to shape a better world. To those caught in fear and violence, and promised another ten years of the same, it will come as an insinuating hope against hope; a reproach to a world that stirs rather than douses wars.


    Family rape victims delivered to a worse hell

    • Madeleine Hamilton
    • 07 September 2015

    While at Melbourne's Winlaton Youth Training Centre, many became victims of sexual and physical assaults by staff and other girls. This was how the state of Victoria looked after its most vulnerable girls, who following their incarceration were simply expected to get on with their lives. Except many didn't. As the list of witnesses for the Royal Commission hearing was being finalised, I was told: 'There's going to be a lot of very angry and re-traumatised mothers and grandmothers.'


    The Border Force Act's disquieting parallels

    • Andrew Hamilton
    • 06 July 2015

    On July 1 the Australian Border Force Act 2015 became law. Detention centre staff are now forbidden to speak about human rights abuses, with a two year jail penalty applying. It is perhaps appropriate to recall the secrecy of the security apparatus of Stalinist Russia, Apartheid South Africa, and Chile and Argentina under the Generals, where victims were denigrated and information prevented from leaking out.

  • Winter Raffle 2015 - Winners

    • Staff
    • 02 July 2015

    The Society of Jesus in Victoria, Jesuit Communications Winter Raffle 2015. Drawn on Thursday 2 July 2015 (Permit No 10187/15 issued 23 February, 2015) Congratulations to the winners:1st prize: A Hannan, VIC2nd prize: J Bowskill, QLD3rd prize: A Twigg, VIC4th prize: K Haines, VIC Thank you to everyone who supported our Winter raffle. If you missed the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets but would like to support us financially, please consider making a donation.


    Australia no longer a global Good Samaritan

    • Michael Mullins
    • 23 March 2015

    It's a pity that Australia's ongoing emergency aid to other nations was tainted by the Prime Minister's suggestion Indonesia should grant clemency to Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran because Australia had provided $1 billion after the 2004 tsunami. Now that Vanuatu has been devastated by Cyclone Pam, its people and government might wonder what we expect in exchange for our $5 million initial commitment and promised follow up assistance in the form of medical staff and rescue personnel.

  • Christmas Raffle 2014 Winners

    • Staff
    • 09 December 2014

    Thank you to everyone who supported our Christmas raffle. Congratulations to the winners: 1st prize: B. Varghese, Vic.; 2nd prize: L. Breen, Vic.; 3rd prize: G. Foley, NSW; 4th prize: G Wyer, ACT.


    Making Indigenous Literacy Day obsolete

    • Luke Pearson
    • 03 September 2014

    As a former primary teacher, I have seen the importance of literacy programs for our young people, and the joy and power that comes from learning to read, especially for older students who thought they would never get to read. If schools were given adequate support, resourcing, staffing and training to better cater for the needs and interests of Indigenous students and families, there would hardly be any need to mark Indigenous Literacy Day.