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An Arabunna man, Uncle Kevin Buzzacott devoted himself to the protection of that delicate, glorious country of north eastern South Australia with its Great Artesian Basin’s ancient waters threatened by the succession of powerful mining companies operating Roxby’s Olympic Dam.
Barngarla traditional owners celebrated after the Federal Court set aside a decision to build a nuclear waste dump at Kimba when a judge found the decision had been shaped by 'bias'. This comes after a six-year fight against a controversial proposal to build a nuclear dumping facility on Kimba Native Title land.
Australia's decision to partner with the US and the UK for the AUKUS pact has drawn scrutiny with questions looming about acquisition, construction and delivery of the nuclear-propelled submarines and a projected $368 billion outlay for up to eight vessels.
Barngarla traditional owners continue to resist the plan for a nuclear waste facility in Kimba, despite millions spent by successive federal governments, and ongoing unanswered questions about the project's necessity and the risks involved.
With $1 trillion of debt accumulating over the last seven years in attempts to establish a National Radioactive Waste Management Facility, the new Labor Government is facing mounting pressure to rethink the nuclear waste storage plan for Kimba.
The long conflict between the federal government plan for a national radioactive waste facility in South Australia and the opponents of the plan has continued to escalate in the past months. On 19 November, Kimba on SA’s Eyre Peninsula was declared South Australia’s Agricultural Town of the Year. Notwithstanding this significant honour, on 29 November the federal Minister for Resources Keith Pitt finally made the formal declaration that Napandee in the Kimba district was the chosen site for the proposed federal radioactive waste dump.