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There are more than 200 results, only the first 200 are displayed here.
An examination of school reading lists and libraries unveils striking parallels with the debates and concerns surrounding the Referendum, highlighting the pervasive societal anxieties and the intricate interplay of national identity and values, and the ongoing need for empathy.
As the war in Ukraine drags on towards its second year, Pope Francis continues to emphasise peace over victory. Highlighting the human cost of war, calling for a month dedicated to reconciliation. This plea diverges from common narratives, urging the world to see beyond geopolitical complexities.
In a better world, people who seek protection in Australia and people removed from prison would not be detained in the same detention centres. But the grounds for differential treatment are not based on the difference between guilty and innocent people; between asylum seekers and 'hardened criminals'. Both groups are worthy of respect and compassion.
In our data-driven age, numbers shape perceptions, often shadowing reality. But should they define our entire understanding? Perhaps it's time to occasionally detach from the numerical deluge and truly value the essence of what and who matter.
As the legacy of historical figures is reevaluated, Alfred Deakin, Australia's second Prime Minister, finds himself under recent scrutiny. A champion of Federation, Deakin also held views towards Indigenous Australians now regarded as abhorrent. But is erasing his name from a university the right step?
On the face of it, the decision of the Queensland Government to pass an amendment to permit holding children in police cells was a desperate and discrediting action. Underneath it, however, was a complex coming together of events, prejudices and attitudes.
The immediacy of the climate crisis and the paradigm shift ushered in by Artificial Intelligence are reshaping our world, leaving the marginalised bearing the brunt. As technological advancements raise complex ethical questions, what does it mean to be socially accountable in an age where the lines between reality and illusion grow ever thinner?
Failed Ambitions offers a complex exploration into the history of institutions for individuals with mental illnesses and intellectual disabilities. The book addresses the evolution of attitudes towards these communities, highlighting ongoing struggles with public stigma, systemic neglect, and the importance of giving voice to marginalised individuals.
The Catholic Bishops Justice Statement, timed with an impending Referendum on the Voice to Parliament, scrutinizes the ties between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians. Crafted alongside the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council, it underscores the urgency of deepened engagement through listening, learning, and love, advocating for Indigenous justice and healing.
Despite taking place 250 years ago, the Jesuit Suppression remains a deeply felt experience. Today, as exiles shape headlines, this chapter in Jesuit history poses a resonant question: How does a faith community endure and evolve when its very existence is challenged by the authority it holds sacred?
In an age where social media revels in candid snapshots of daily life, where is the line between what is private, personal, and public? As media columns increasingly hinge on intimate, unabashed tales, some view this as a poignant evolution, while others see a reckless blurring of boundaries. This exploration challenges our understanding of self-disclosure in a world ever-urging us to share.
The crisis of homelessness is no longer distant; it's a grim reality affecting friends, families, and even white-collar workers. As housing costs soar, a report paints a bleak picture with the demand for accommodation skyrocketing. This Homelessness Week, the question is not just how we define homelessness, but how we respond to its profound impact.
85-96 out of 200 results.