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Vol 34 No 18

09 September 2024



    Sports gambling ninjas endangering kids

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 11 September 2024

    Gambling ads are infiltrating children's sports content, raising concerns about the impact on the development of young minds. Managing children’s viewing experiences is an important part of parenting, but it’s difficult when gambling advertising is unavoidable if you follow sports. Is our current gambling culture something we want to hand on to the next generation?


    Australia’s property boom is splitting society in half

    • David James
    • 10 September 2024

    As continued high interest rates and stagnant incomes put a strain on households, leading more Australians give up on the dream of home ownership, government attempts to manage both the cost of living crisis and the housing crisis may be doing too little too late. 


    In future Church governance, hierarchy meets partnership

    • John Warhurst
    • 03 September 2024

    Lay-led organizations, once marginalised, are now ascendant in the Church, challenging traditional hierarchies and redefining what church might look like in future. Ministerial Public Juridic Persons (MPJPs) have a growing influence, and for some, hold the potential for a more inclusive, lay-led Church.