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The things we miss about young offenders

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Youth detention seems to only attract public attention when there's a crisis, but the problems go back further. What are we still not confronting when it comes to children and young people who run into the law? How do we advocate for them in a hostile political and media environment?

In this episode, we talk to former Victorian children's commissioner Bernie Geary. Bernie's entire career has been focused on assisting vulnerable young people and their families. He was the first outreach youth worker in Victoria, working in West Heidelberg more than four decades ago. In 2005, he was appointed as the state's inaugural child safety commissioner, and became principal commissioner for children and young people in 2013, the role from which he retired in 2015.

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Fatima MeashamFatima Measham is a Eureka Street consulting editor. She co-hosts the ChatterSquare podcast, tweets as @foomeister and blogs on Medium.



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Great interview Fatima. I was moved to put a couple of little (almost accurate) quotes onto facebook to give people an idea to tune in. That cental flaw, with which I am way too familiar, of looking at what the child has done, not at what has happened. Challenged by the idea that we need to engage with people we do not agree with. Online, it's a breeze, sometimes. Face to face, I get too angry. "Lives are at stake here", I want to scream!

Bev Henwood | 22 March 2018  

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