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Na'ama Carlin on dissonant universities

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Who or what are universities for? Are they meant to form citizens or workers? What happens when universities turn to a more corporate model?

Dr Na'ama Carlin reflects on these and other questions. She is a sociologist, writer, and a casual academic, an experience that raises pressing issues about the way universities operate.

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An important interview with Fatima Measham. As someone who resisted the 'exploitative industry' of a capitalist-focused university education and sought in the 1950's to achieve a reverence for a 'search for Truth' alternative, I agree that today's study direction is very worrying. If you would like to be put in touch with some of the ideas generated and widely talked about at the time, you might start (just a start) with the publication 'Golden Years, Grounds for Hope' edited by Val Noone (with others) in 2008. It was an amazing time in University life, and perhaps an important stepping off point for a consideration of an alternative approach to today's commercial-techno push.

Len Puglisi | 10 August 2018  

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