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Progress on a hope and a prayer



Two different faces of the church have just been on display. Which are we to believe is the truer representation? The Synod on Synodality ended in Rome with a show of unity around the final document. All sections of the draft proposal easily received the necessary two-thirds majority support. The greatest show of contestation came when item 60 on women in the church received 97 No votes and 258 Yes votes out of 368 voting members. We don’t know whether the dissenters were progressives or conservatives or a mixture of the two. There were some congratulations from senior participants that Pope Francis had preserved church unity by removing so-called hot-button issues from the agenda. But is it structural or just a façade?

Another case suggests the latter. An Australian Catholic University graduation ceremony in Melbourne was mired in controversy after a majority of the audience, hundreds of graduates, family and friends, walked out on an address expounding the need to defend traditional church doctrine by senior church insider and former trade union leader, Joe De Bruyn. The university Vice-Chancellor attempted conciliation by offering counselling and a refund to the dissenters. What followed was a massively one-sided pile-on by the wider church leadership which included excoriating the dissenters, calling for the resignation of the Vice-Chancellor, and defending the freedom of speech of the speaker.  Those weighing in included a Cardinal-designate (Bishop Mykola Bychok), a senior archbishop (Peter Comensoli), one half of an influential Catholic political couple (Peta Credlin), a senior Catholic commercial media columnist (Greg Sheridan), and a senior columnist for the major Catholic newspaper (Monica Doumit). They are all well-known in church circles and sometimes beyond.

Few if any official Catholic voices publicly supported either the silent walk out or the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Zlatko Skrbis. This was one face of the old hierarchical church in action for all to see. Those observing it would be right to conclude that a synodal church, which pretends to agree on the essentials of the Catholic faith, is only skin deep and can be easily ruffled.

Many of the staff and students concerned were not Catholic as ACU is a public university, but the controversy became, for some, a debate about Catholic identity and is an insight into the deep divisions that continue to exist within church circles, which are a far cry from the official version of the happy conduct of the Synod. The senior Catholic identities defended the speaker on the grounds of freedom of speech but, unfortunately, the church itself has a weak record as a defender of freedom of speech and is often hypocritical in this area. True freedom of speech depends on a diversity of voices being afforded an official platform and the church has instead regularly cancelled its own critics and reformers.

This internal church controversy brings to mind another mainstream debate, sparked by the visit of King Charles to Australia, about proper conduct in public life and politeness towards speakers and those in authority. The first to be accused of rudeness and improper behaviour were the six State Premiers who declined an invitation to an official dinner with King Charles in Sydney. This controversy paled into insignificance beside the outraged responses to the loud interjections by Indigenous Senator Lidia Thorpe while the King was speaking in Parliament House. Thorpe too was condemned widely, and some political leaders and commentators also called for her resignation. Slowly though the content of what she was saying has drawn some support.

Jumping back to the Synod, there appears to have been no evidence there of silent mass walk outs or dramatic loud interjections. Everything was proper and polite. The Pope was not confronted while he was speaking nor was there even any controversy as happened on day three of the second session of the Plenary Council in Australia over the voting on the equal dignity of women and men when sixty members took time out in silent protest. The only mini ‘ruckus’, a term used by Christopher White of the National Catholic Reporter, occurred when the Pope’s right-hand man, Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez, head of the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith, failed to attend a special October 18 meeting of about one-third of the Synod members, to discuss the progress of the study group on the female diaconate. The junior officials sent along in his place were rigorously questioned and the whole episode was described by some members present as a disgrace and a disaster.

The outcome of the Synod has been variously judged. Many observers and participants were fully satisfied. One common conclusion has been along the lines of doors remaining open and of ‘small steps forward’ or as seasoned Australian observer Brother Mark O’Connor concluded, “Forward steps on the mission, but not a prophetic leap”. Bro. O’Connor gave several examples, including the question of women in the church, where the progress was “spectacularly ‘rocky’.

My conclusion from observing both the local ACU controversy and the international Synod is that covering up our differences and relegating the ‘hot-button’ issues to the too-hard basket is only a short-term solution. People will vote with their feet, either by leaving the room or leaving the church altogether.


'The controversy became, for some, a debate about Catholic identity and is an insight into the deep divisions that continue to exist within church circles, which are a far cry from the official version of the happy conduct of the Synod.'


We need to confront the big issues in modern society even if it causes discomfort. Whether we call it an old-fashioned ruckus, a commotion or a row, the church should not shy away from such moments but learn from them. We need more not less of them, and we need to embrace those who challenge official norms by resisting overly polite ways of doing things, not put them down.

These ACU students and staff sent a message about where the church stands with them which should not be dismissed as ignorant or impolite. Official church teaching on women, the LGBTQIA+ community, sexuality and reproductive rights faces a huge challenge within and without the church.

In the international church the equivalent dissenting voices to learn from are Ireland’s Dr Mary McAleese and American Sister Joan Chittister. The Synod experience would have been improved if people such as them, who are not afraid to create a ruckus, when necessary, on the hot button issues, were inside the tent rather than remaining outside observers. 

Politely walking together and seeking to recognise commonalities will only get us so far. Synodality, if interpreted as a church process to build community and to ensure long-term cultural change through listening, is in danger of being watered down. Progress should not be consigned to the ‘never never’ on a hope and a prayer.



John Warhurst is an Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the Australian National University.



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Without a doubt, as John Warhurst observes, "The Synod experience would have been improved if people such as (Ireland’s Dr Mary McAleese and American Sister Joan Chittister), who are not afraid to create a ruckus, when necessary, on the hot button issues, were inside the tent rather than remaining outside observers." Better means of selecting lay representatives are needed and that will come with proper implementation of synodality throughout the world. We do not have much reason to be optimistic in most Australian dioceses.

Peter Johnstone | 08 November 2024  
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You are absolutely right, John and Peter. The Eureka Street experience would also be improved if people such as Ireland’s Dr Mary McAleese and American Sister Joan Chittister (and Fosco), who are not afraid to create a ruckus, when necessary, on the hot button issues, were treated as inside the tent rather than outside observers.

Fosco | 12 November 2024  

'Official Church teaching on women, the LGBTQIA+ community, sexuality and reproductive rights faces a huge challenge within and without the church.'

The mission of the Church as mandated by Christ necessarily includes magisterial teaching in the Apostolic tradition which cannot, if it is to reman true to its Founder, allow itself to become a ventriloquist's doll for aggressively secular ideologies driven by notions and methodologies of worldly advancement and power. Christ's cross remains a sign of contradiction and a test of the disciple's fidelity to him and his message.

John RD | 10 November 2024  
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And we know who the ventriloquist is. Or, perhaps, that should be 'who the Ventriloquist is'. The dolls should wake up: be 'woke' (as in the original meaning of the colloquialism) about who they are and whom they are ventriloquising.

roy chen yee | 13 November 2024  

Advent provides an ideal opportunity for awakening - especially in deepening our awareness of Christ,
who did not confuse the idea of equality with the uniformity of a socially engineered homogeneity, but rather, delivered it as the access of all the baptised to the life of the Trinity - a diversity in unity - and as the legacy of his saving death and resurrection.

John | 14 November 2024  

John, this is an incisive article.

Fernandez, head of the Dicastery, failed to attend to discuss the progress of the study group on the female diaconate, because this church has no intention of advancing women's rights whatsoever, despite their continued and unremitting lip service to Art 2 UDHR.

You have uncovered the reality of deep division within the church that can't be fixed with a Synodal band aid. The Melbourne walkout was justified, and the protests of Mykola, Comensoli, Credlin and others are typical of the status quo wanting their power and privilege maintained. They are all besotted with the symbolic trappings of clericalism and tradition.

The Vatican synodal process is the calm before the storm, long overdue to erupt in Galilee. Women under the leadership of Chittister and McAleese need to seize power for themselves rather than expect the hierarchy to relinquish any of their cherished nominal titles, rank and privileges. 

Incidentally, conflating women's rights, the LGBTQIA+ community, sexuality and reproductive rights, all trivialises the major issue, which is full and equal rights to all of the sacraments including ordination.

Francis Armstrong | 13 November 2024  

A disappointing response, I imagine, for which I commiserate with you, John.

One has to wonder if the restraint with which you write is a product of editorial policy or indeed your own caving in to a Synod on Synodality result that you have accepted with resignation rather than the degree of the rapture that accompanies the Paraclete's intervention.

In my own instance, and after close discussion with the Superior of the Qld Jesuits, Frank Brennan, I had expected a more productive response to the women's ordination issue, especially after the Orobator visit to Australia and as a consequence of which that good priest and theologian declared himself to have experienced a change of mind.

Indeed, Fr Orobator spoke at the Synod about the disappointment such a decision would trigger in many Catholics, who prior to his visit he had found himself, as an African Jesuit, at odds with.

In Australia itself, Fr Brennan spoke to this question in his John XXIII College Address, where he earned the endorsement for his carefully argued change of position of Archbishop Costelloe of Perth himself.

This surely would have placed Bishop Randazzo's unfortunate remarks on this question at odds with many Australians.

Michael Furtado | 13 November 2024  

The issue of the role of women in a just society or vibrant organization surely speaks to the respect of every member and her/his gifts, given for the whole body. What I find unfathomable is the official church says on the one hand, that members access to spiritual nurturance is of utmost importance, but they don't care about the thousands that miss out, because of the embargo on 50% of potential ministers with the gifts and calling to minister. It shows that they don't really care about the people as much as they stick to biases. People have already voted with their feet, tired of attending services which often preach irrelevance to today's life situations. Thirty years ago, a decision was made to prop up the local clerical shortage by inviting clergy from completely different cultures. Who was asked? How have they fared? How have the parishioners fared? Who enculturates them? Who evaluates the outcome? Who takes leadership in instances when these clergy behave abominably? At the time that this process kicked off, I personally knew of around 18 people who were educated, informed, spiritually rich and capable of caring for the flock. I am only one person. They were women.

Judy Brown | 14 November 2024  

St Albertus Magnus, whose feast the Church celebrates today, seems to me a figure especially relevant for our times and the relationship between secular scholarship and Church teaching - a critical issue raised by current accentuation of a synodal ecclesiology.
A prodigious polymath highly distinguished in the fields of science and humanities, Albert's chief pursuit was the love, truth and wisdom of God revealed in Christ, whom he accepted in faith as the source and goal of all academic and spiritual achievement.
He was also the teacher of St Thomas Aquinas, dismissed by his student peers as "the dumb ox", whose synthesis of philosophy and theology remains a yardstick for the pursuit of serious learning.

John RD | 15 November 2024  

The student walk out is but another example of the destruction of Catholicism and the failure of knowledge and understanding in two generations of baptised, nominal Catholics denied any education in the teachings of the Catholic Church in the wake of Vatican II. The great controversies which occupy the thinking of the reformers all relate to a disagreement with God the Creator's plan for the creation of his people which is entirely related to human sexuality as the God-given instrument of that creation. It seems that the spirit didn't turn up to Vatican II or , if he/she did indeed turn up, some refused to acknowledge the spiritual input and chose their own preferred interpretations which, as any casual observer can see, destroyed Catholicism. The spirit also failed to show up at the much touted Plenary sessions and it seems highly unlikely that there was any meaningful attendance at "Synod". Perhaps the spirit might pay more attention if the modern day reformers who wish to re-order God's creative processes made of list of their demands and nailed that list to the doors of all the Catholic Cathedrals. But why bother?! They can already have what they want in the Protestant churches.

John Frawley | 15 November 2024  

Warhurst's synodality wrap-up now triggers an unavoidable discussion, simmering under the surface for many years and easily misread as racist, as witnessed in recent remarks by Archbishop Coleridge and Bishop Randazzo. The discussion notionally pits substantial numbers of Asian, Pacific-Islander and African-born clergy and Mass-attending people against a notionally White but, in reality, multicultural Australian Catholic Church that is intersectional in several unacknowledged ways relating to class, gender, residence, income, qualification, occupation and age. 

To one who works in the area and with resolute commitment to a just society and world, the importation of vast numbers of clergy from those parts of the world where Catholic faith practice and belief lag well behind the reforms of Vatican II seems designed to suit an outdated ecclesiology primarily focused on Eucharistic celebration for a Church with other demands made on it. Granted the Eucharist plays a paramount part in Catholic worship, the growth in spirituality privileges the value of diverse liturgical practices, for instance in our schools and hospitals, in which women play a major role.

As an Asian-Australian, I regard our focus on male Eucharistic celebration, and therefore clergy availability, as mistaken. Why can't the Eucharist be accessed in paraliturgical settings?

Michael Furtado | 16 November 2024  
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'Why can't the Eucharist be accessed in paraliturgical settings?'
Because Christ, according to sacred scripture and tradition, did not institute it as a paraliturgy, and to present it as such world distort and diminish the Catholic understanding of his real presence.
And on whose authority is it said that the primary place of the Eucharist - "the source and summit of the Christian life" (CCC 1324-1325) - is part of an "outdated ecclesiology"?

John RD | 19 November 2024  

'Why can't the Eucharist be accessed in paraliturgical settings?'

Because a communion service is not as good as a Mass. One may be unavoidable because of circumstance but sheep are to be individually fed by a shepherd representing the Shepherd, not by an ATM machine which is what a bank of pre-consecrated hosts distributed by a lay person (or even a deacon) amounts to.

roy chen yee | 20 November 2024  

Yes, easy to choke on those dry hosts. I preferred it pre-Covid when you could have a small swig as well. Actually, if some had their way I doubt women would be permitted to partake of communion at all.

Francis Armstrong | 02 December 2024  

The way you speak of receiving Holy Communion here, Francis, serves to underline the appropriateness of the Eucharistic Congress to be hosted in Sydney in 2028.

John RD | 06 December 2024  

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