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  • australia

    A second try at combatting disinformation

    • Frank Brennan
    • 25 September 2024

    The Government is making another valiant effort to rein in the adverse effects of ungoverned digital platforms. But in debating such a detailed bill without the backstop of a constitutional or statutory bill of rights recognising the right to freedom of expression, there are no clear guard rails for getting the balance right. 

  • faith doing justice

    Hospitality in mean times

    • Andrew Hamilton
    • 23 September 2024

    In prosperous times many people in developed nations are sympathetic to refugees and migrants and welcome them into their own societies. In hard times, however, xenophobia spreads.

  • australia

    Is peace worth fighting for?

    • Andrew Hamilton
    • 19 September 2024

    Though little known in Australia, Abraham Johannes (A.J.) Muste spent his life commending pacifism and leading movements to make the world more just. His commitments to pacifism may still seem extreme to many. But will anything more mild address the threats facing the world from violence, inequality and apathy?

  • media

    Should children be banned from social media?

    • David Halliday
    • 23 September 2024

    Social media regulation has been a long time coming. For the last eighteen years we’ve been running a social experiment where we watch what happens when we allow children to grow up with unfettered access to this technology. 

  • arts and culture

    The end of the morning

    • Gillian Bouras
    • 20 September 2024

    The End of the Morning provides a rich reading experience, showing the reader an Australia that has been largely lost. But most readers will have a sense of dissatisfaction: they will want more. An unfinished novel, and an unfinished life.

  • religion

    I am pilgrim

    • Ann Rennie
    • 13 September 2024

    People visit graves and castles, libraries and mansions, battlefields and places of historical significance to feel a little of the lives of others, to pay homage, to make that human connection. We make secular pilgrimages to places that we have dreamt about or read in books or seen on screen. Wherever we go, these are ultimately visits to places within.  

  • How 'Slow Horses' became the show of the moment

    • Juliette Hughes
    • 12 September 2024

    Slow Horses is one of those dramas that are even better than the books they’re based on. The TV series is blessed by having Gary Oldman as Jackson Lamb, the grisly spy-genius with a preternatural instinct for sniffing out hidden agendas. 

  • TV cops and cop-outs

    • Juliette Hughes
    • 29 August 2024

    With contemporary crime dramas increasingly suffused with a sense of grim fatalism, The Rookie stands out for its optimism, a refreshing throwback to the days when crime series used to be about the mostly goodies chasing the mostly baddies.

  • The contours of exile: The poetry of Derek Walcott

    • Peter Steele
    • 29 August 2024

      Good poetry stops us in our tracks, visited as we are by whatever it is that has stopped the poet in his tracks. This agency may properly be, as in Walcott's case, something stemming from cultural marginality, from a fascination with the dramatic, from an equipoise between the lyrical and the epical, or from the interweaving of all these. (From the Eureka Street archives)

  • The Taliban's war on women

    • Warwick McFadyen
    • 17 September 2024

    How do you try to turn a human into something less than human? You take away their voice. The Taliban in Afghanistan have recently introduced new laws that ban women’s voices and faces in public, continuing the extreme subjugation of half the Afghan population.

  • Pope takes refugee concerns on the road

    • Robin Osborne
    • 05 September 2024

    Pope Francis has frequently voiced sympathy for refugee concerns and before leaving on this trip, he reaffirmed his call for safe migration pathways for people fleeing their own countries for fear of persecution, describing any refusal to harbour asylum seekers as a ‘grave sin’.

  • In an unjust world, can war ever be just?

    • Daniel Nellor
    • 27 August 2024

    Amidst the conflict in Gaza, can ancient moral frameworks guide modern warfare? Nigel Biggar's recent analysis invokes 'Just War Theory', sparking debate on the ethics of Israel's response to Hamas. As casualties rise, questions of proportionality and 'just cause' take on a new significance, challenging leaders and citizens alike to navigate the fraught intersection of security, morality, and human dignity.

  • Can Labor survive the inflation backlash?

    • Joe Zabar
    • 17 September 2024

    As Australia heads toward the 2024 federal election, voters are grappling with soaring costs of living, stagnant wages, and weak GDP growth. Inflation is easing but prices remain stubbornly high. Will the Albanese government’s strategies to combat inflation satisfy an increasingly strained electorate?

  • The dangers of a captured democracy

    • Andrew Hamilton
    • 12 September 2024

    Anxieties about democracy around the world today are well-founded. While we rightly celebrate our democratic institutions, it's crucial to acknowledge the vast wealth disparities and the growing influence of powerful corporations. 

  • Sports gambling ninjas endangering kids

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 11 September 2024

    Gambling ads are infiltrating children's sports content, raising concerns about the impact on the development of young minds. Is our current gambling culture something we want to hand on to the next generation?

  • Religious media battles the tides

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 26 September 2024

    There once might have been a distinction between ‘Christian journalism’ and ‘Christian PR’, however today those lines are far more muddied. The demise of the Australasian Religious Press Association might have been brought about by changing tides, but for those of us left it leaves one less lifebuoy to cling to.

  • Francis’ Church may be more transparent and accountable, but don’t call it democratic

    • Bill Uren
    • 04 September 2024

    The Synod on Synodality begins its second session in October. And while the synodal process may involve consultation, Pope Francis is keen to remind those hoping for reform that teaching authority remains with the Pope and bishops. As the Pope has insisted on a number of occasions, the Church is not a democracy, and the synod is not a parliament.

  • In future Church governance, hierarchy meets partnership

    • John Warhurst
    • 03 September 2024

    Lay-led organizations, once marginalised, are now ascendant in the Church, challenging traditional hierarchies and redefining what church might look like in future. Ministerial Public Juridic Persons (MPJPs) have a growing influence, and for some, hold the potential for a more inclusive, lay-led Church.