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The United States' recent shift in immigration policy towards exclusions and deportations is a modern moral reckoning. It underscores the tension between a society’s right to regulate its borders and its responsibility to uphold the dignity of those who already call it home.
As Australia watches the U.S. navigate its Trump-era transition, we wait in uncertainty. Any interregnum period is a time for rethinking, for wondering about our own nation, and not just for focusing on another. It is a time to rethink what we have taken granted about what is for the good of Australian society.
Al Pacino is an actor we’re inclined to take for granted, given his presence in some of the greatest popular films of the last half century, not least his Michael Corleone in Coppola’s Godfather trilogy, which revealed an actor of extraordinary stature. Sonny Boy is a consistently diverting and illuminating book by a man who has little pomp and circumstance about him.
To be complicit, must you share the same intent? If one says nothing, does nothing, does this signify complicity? Is there then such a thing as an innocent bystander?
The departure of Stan Grant from his role at the ABC following racial abuse triggers collective dismay and brings to light the deeply rooted issue of racism in Australia. His exit from public life is a sobering reminder of the societal toll of bigotry, and underscores the urgent need to safeguard our public intellectuals.
Throughout recent decades of Australian history, the stance every government has taken on asylum seekers has reflected the shifting political landscapes and challenging humanitarian issues that have continually shaped Australia's response to those seeking refuge.