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Tour guides were recently added to Australia’s National Occupational Shortage list, inviting skilled overseas workers to step in. This shift brought to mind a similar journey Arnold Zable took decades ago, guiding visitors through the streets of New Orleans.
Lent is a time of asking what matters and on commitment. It is a time of grounding, on awareness of the ground and the ash on which we stand, and of focusing on what is important. That being grounded underlies the idea of humility, of being earthed with one’s bare feet on the soil.
'Each day I take time out to sit in each room. I’m gazing at death, but gaze long enough and you forget about death and disappear into the colour of the wall. Give it a try. Who gives a damn?'
I spent memorable hours yarning with Father Bob and I accompanied the Father Bob McGuire Foundation food van on some of its nightly forays to parts of the city to provide sustenance to those in need. Invariably Father Bob would turn up at some point in the evening to lend his inimitable presence to the show.
As Holocaust denial and falsehoods spread on social media, we commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, a heroic act of resistance against oppression, with a sense of urgency. Let us remember the lessons of the uprising and stand up against racism and authoritarianism in all its forms.