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Author: Angelica Hannan


    Angelica Hannan

    • Angelica Hannan
    • 17 May 2007

    Angelica Hannan is a tutor in the Discipline of Government & International Relations at the University of Sydney, and a full-time secondary English teacher. She hopes to commence a PhD candidature in the near future exploring the relationship between the "Global North" and "Global South" and the importance of education in alleviating world poverty.


    Respect for human rights requires debt cancellation

    • Angelica Hannan
    • 27 February 2007
    1 Comment

    To address the problem of Third World debt, citizens of developed countries need to place the satisfaction of human needs at the heart of government policy. A history of poor governance, greed, and cultural imperialism are at the core of the Global North’s exploitation of the South.

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