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flame .. Might ignite the instant .. And go wildly on the palsy of the wind .. So that a shock of parrots thunders forth .. Spewing slipstreams of fire .. A vomitus of barbary sparks .. So that our lungs are cooped with ash
Always on for a challenge, one of the first things Brian said to me that day was 'Who's your favourite character in the Bible?' and then 'We need women priests.'
'Lee and Christine Rush are your average Ozzie couple, except that their teenage son Scott is on death row in Bali having been convicted of being a hapless drug mule. It will not go down well on the streets of Jakarta if Australians are baying for the blood of the Bali bombers one month and then pleading to save our sons and daughters the next month.'
A teacher at a Catholic college joked that students turned to Madonna — the pop icon, not the religious one — for spiritual inspiration. Western society may seem to trivialise religion, but a culture of authenticity has developed in which people seek their own way and deepest fulfilment.
Between 1968 and 1981, performance spaces such as the Pram Factory in Melbourne facilitated a flourishing of the Australian theatre scene. Initially, the idea that the local product might be inferior was insufficient reason for preferring the import.
As Australians wait for a Federal election, Hilary Glow’s book is timely evidence that what is wrong with the world is what politicians would have us believe. Contemporary playwrights are wrestling with the issues seen as crucial to the notion of who we really are as Australians in the twenty-first century. From 17 October 2007.
Richard Flynn is a former teacher of senior English and drama at St Ignatius College, Adelaide. He has an online business specialising in copy editing.
As Australians wait for a Federal election, Hilary Glow’s book is timely evidence that what is wrong with the world is what politicians would have us believe. Contemporary playwrights are wrestling with the issues seen as crucial to the notion of who we really are as Australians in the twenty-first century.
In a time of perplexity about Catholicism and religion generally, the perspective of Christian Brothers' founder Edmund Rice is strongly anchored in a faith focused on the neediest groups in society. It points us towards recognising the good values and motives of those with whom we differ.
Eric Shinseki was the highest ranking US military officer in the United States until he ran afoul of his boss, former US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsel. He had told a Congressional hearing that the US Army would more soldiers to Iraq than planned, to keep the peace Saddam Hussein's removal.
Bishop Greg O'Kelly SJ is the Auxiliary Bishop of Adelaide. He was headmaster of Saint Ignatius' College, Adelaide for 12 years.
97-108 out of 120 results.