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Keywords: Public Services


    The case for funding legal services with public money

    • Andrew Hamilton
    • 08 November 2013

    From a liberal perspective the use of public money to fund free legal services to individuals is inherently undesirable. Even if the contracts are awarded under competitive tendering, the funding of the services is a distortion in the market. Ideally they should be left to the market to provide. And by definition they are less efficient than commercial organisations disciplined by a free and competitive market.


    Catholics' radical alternative

    • Frank Brennan
    • 10 October 2013

    'When confronted with moral evil in public policy, church personnel have a choice: to be prophetic sticking to the moral absolutes, or to be practical engaging in the compromises needed to temper the evil. At the moment, the only political parties not wanting to embrace a short term shock and awe approach are the Greens, the DLP and the Palmer United Party. And neither Christine Milne, John Madigan nor Clive Palmer will ever be prime minister.' Workshop paper from Catholic Social Services Victoria's Listening, Learning and Leading conference, October 2013.


    Welcome the Republic of South Sudan

    • Jack De Groot
    • 08 July 2011
    1 Comment

    Tomorrow, the world will welcome a new nation. After four decades of civil war and six tense months of transition, the Republic of South Sudan will assert its independence. This is an occasion for celebration, but also of new challenges for the international aid community.


    The Church as advocate in the public square

    • Frank Brennan
    • 09 February 2010

    'Tonight I want to reflect in light of the National Human Rights Consultation how we as Church can do better in promoting justice for all in our land. Full text from Frank Brennan's 2010 McCosker Oration, 'The Church as Advocate in the Public Square: Lessons from the National Human Rights Consultation'.


    Undeclared war on Haiti's poor

    • Kent Rosenthal
    • 10 July 2006

    Living conditions in Ouanaminthe, a ‘town’ of around 100,000 inhabitants amount to an undeclared war on the poor. There’s a lack of services, which makes Ouanaminthe a gathering place for human traffickers, smugglers and corrupt authorities ready to profit from people desperate to leave for the Dominican Republic.


    John Falzon

    • John Falzon

    Dr John Falzon is Senior Fellow, Inequality and Social Justice at Per Capita. He is a sociologist, poet and social justice advocate and was national CEO of the St Vincent de Paul Society in Australia from 2006 to 2018. He is a member of the Australian Services Union. He has written and spoken widely on the structural causes of marginalisation and inequality in Australia and has long been an advocate for a fairer and more equitable society. John has worked in academia, in research and advocacy with NGOs, and in community development in large public housing estates. He was a participant in the 2020 Summit, has served on the ACOSS Board as well as on Government advisory committees such as the Communi


    John Warhurst

    • John Warhurst

    John Warhurst AO is Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the Australian National University in Canberra where he was Professor of Political Science from 1993-2008. Before that he was Professor of Politics at the University of New England in Armidale, NSW, from 1985-1993. He has been a weekly columnist for The Canberra Times since 1998. He also writes occasionally for The Footy Almanac. He has been chair of the Australian Republican Movement (2002-2005), campaigning for an Australian Head of State for Australia, and Deputy Chair of Catholic Social Services Australia (2007-2012), the church's peak body for social services. In 2009 he was made an Officer in the Order of Australia (AO) for services to political science and to the community.