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Keywords: Podcast


    Gain from pain

    • Michael Mullins
    • 09 March 2009

    The Victorian bushfires occurred during a time of financial uncertainty, but Australians gave their money generously. It was as if they were consciously and calculatingly investing their funds in the solidarity of the community.


    Blind cricket tourist who sees the point of sport

    • Paul Daffey
    • 24 December 2006

    Andy Gemmell, who is 54, is in Australia on a long holiday during which he’s going to the cricket and the races and catching up with friends he met through the Compton Arms in Islington, London. The main difference between Andy and other Ashes tourists is that Andy is blind. From 12 December 2006.


    Blind cricket tourist who sees the point of sport

    • Paul Daffey
    • 23 December 2006

    Andy Gemmell, who is 54, is in Australia on a long holiday during which he’s going to the cricket and the races and catching up with friends he met through the Compton Arms in Islington, London. The main difference between Andy and other Ashes tourists is that Andy is blind.


    Peter Thomas

    • Peter Thomas

    Peter Thomas is the voice of Eureka Street Radio. An accomplished broadcaster and television filmmaker, Peter has produced documentaries, typically social justice, spirituality and inter-faith features for Australian and overseas networks, including ABC-TV and SBS. His Eureka Street podcast contribution is a return to his broadcast roots having worked as a radio and television announcer in many parts of Australia. In retirement he has an involvement in community radio and a strong interest in meditation, conducting frequent workshops and training programs.