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Keywords: Online


    Digital discrimination

    • Gillian Bouras
    • 04 July 2024

    Digital dominance and the disappearance of print newspapers leaves older generations grappling with endless new tech. I still seek the tactile experience of newsprint — a challenge as publications move online. In an increasingly automated world, I’m not alone in reminiscing about the days when personal interactions were the norm.


    Bruise-free ministry

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 01 July 2024

    Last month, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference released a pastoral statement on religion and sport. And while commending sport’s ability to promote growth in individuals and foster healthy communities, if sport is to be a field of mission, it should be more willing to dive into those places where the 'bruises' occur.


    Sports betting is ruining more than our sports

    • Tim Costello
    • 26 June 2024

    Gambling is now so entrenched in the AFL and NFL it is changing the way people, especially young people, follow sport. With former AFL chief Gillon McLachlan set to become CEO at Tabcorp, we should consider the profound impact of gambling on Australian society.


    What's the harm in a bit of porn?

    • Bill Farrelly, David Halliday
    • 30 May 2024

    We don’t need more statistics to prove that addiction to alcohol, gambling and illegal drugs plays a huge role in domestic violence. But what about addiction to pornography? Until now, public conversation on this has been minimal. Despite a wealth of research linking pornography consumption with sexual violence, why are we so afraid to discuss this elephant?


    Painful times for Church reformers

    • John Warhurst
    • 29 May 2024

    We are now witnessing a changed dynamic within the movement for church reform. The balance within its component parts has changed towards a more pessimistic view. A minority is still hopeful; a few even remain optimistic, but most are struggling.


    Walking in two worlds

    • Michael McVeigh
    • 28 May 2024

    When US-based Catholic Jason Evert was due to speak to Catholic schools across NSW,  there was a backlash, sparked by online activists. The controversies around Evert’s visit highlights just how difficult it is becoming to walk that line between the values and demands of the Church we represent, and the society in which we live.

  • Special free e-book gift

    • 27 May 2024

    To mark two years of Eureka Street Plus, we're excited to be able to bring subscribers an exclusive free e-book version of Frank Brennan's latest offering, Lessons from Our Failure to Build a Constitutional Bridge in the 2023 Referendum. 


    How Jung turned grief into a philosophy of life

    • Barry Gittins
    • 21 May 2024

    When friends faced a heartbreaking loss, they found solace in Carl Jung's writings, granting them permission to grieve and hope. Given his life of contradictions, how should we evaluate Jung's contributions and his complex relationship with religious faith?


    When is a fashion fad a nationalist signal?

    • Jeremy Clarke
    • 14 February 2024

    In China, the resurgence of traditional Hanfu garb from the Han dynasty is capturing the imagination of social media users, sending a multi-layered message about Chinese identity. The trend goes beyond most online fads, subtly conveying China's desire to project  cultural and political influence. 


    Best of 2023: Can we curb misinformation while retaining freedom of expression?

    • Frank Brennan
    • 11 January 2024

    As the government drafts legislation to stem the rising tide of misinformation circulating online, the nation debates: will these measures sufficiently regulate online content and curb potential harms or threaten freedom of expression? This moment is a critical test for the integrity of Australia's public discourse.


    Can we curb misinformation while retaining freedom of expression?

    • Frank Brennan
    • 09 November 2023

    As the government drafts legislation to stem the rising tide of misinformation circulating online, the nation debates: will these measures sufficiently regulate online content and curb potential harms or threaten freedom of expression? This moment is a critical test for the integrity of Australia's public discourse.


    Impartial journalism in the age of social media

    • Denis Muller
    • 26 July 2023
    1 Comment

    The landscape has changed, and there is no going back. Individual journalists are now integrated into the ranks of pundits, urgers and persuaders who abound online. At their employers’ behest, they blog, they podcast, they ‘engage’ as the current jargon has it, with those who post comments to their articles online. (From 2021)