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The Australian dream of home ownership is bound up in a process of gentrification. As interest rates drop and economies weaken, we need to ensure everyone can afford a place to live, not just those looking for a bargain during tough times.
We need to be on our guard against laws and policies enacted in the name of the public interest but with insufficient consideration for the human rights of the minority.
I spent untold hours playing on my Commodore 64. I upgraded to a PC, to fight the beasties of Duke Nukem 3D as I chugged too many coffees and Mars bars. Interactivity is videogames' strength, and can be applied in socially constructive ways for marginalised communities.
Forcing schools to produce information on students' exam performance will never be a reliable strategy for lifting numeracy and literacy. Learning is as much about taking risks and failing as it is about getting the answers right the first time.
The Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne has said Catholic Hospitals will not abide by Victorian legislation that compels health professionals to participate in abortions. Civil libertarians are well advised to support this stand, regardless of their moral views.
Victoria's 'groundbreaking' Abortion Law Reform Bill dispenses with informed consent provisions that protect vulnerable women, and neglects the right of health professionals to conscientious objection. Surely the right to freedom of thought, conscience and belief should count for something.
The iPhone is sexy and clever, but not everyone will benefit from this new technological drug of choice. Increased reliance on communications technology has emerged as a major issue in health promotion to multicultural Australia.
A new report reveals Australia's battle with the bulge is reaching crisis point, suggesting our lives of comfort and consumption are catching up with us. The weight problem is a symptom of general problematic attitdues towards human dignity and wholeness.
Both the Federal Government and Opposition have proposed easing the pain of ballooning petrol prices with flat tax reductions. However they would be doing us more of a favour if they treated oil dependency as an addiction, and imposed extra taxes that would further increase the price of petrol.
Last month, members of the Pine Gap Four 'citizens inspection team' were acquitted in a Darwin court. Parliamentary committees, juries and the citizen's right to civil disobedience are necessary safeguards for liberty when government is tempted to use the legal sledgehammer to crack the nut of political dissent.
Even senior traditional hard men of the Liberal Party like Bill Heffernan and Shane Stone have indicated that it is time to act. It is time for Brendan Nelson to draw the line so that we can move on, committed to reconciliation and improvement in Aboriginal health, education, and life expectancy.
We are now entering a new phase in Aboriginal policy. It is not just about protecting the children, and the latter phase will challenge taxpayers. Real jobs and real services don't come cheap in remote Australia, regardless of the community's racial identity. From 22 August 2007.
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