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Using anecdotal evidence to back up government policy is dangerous. There are as many positive anecdotes about Africans as Minister Andrews has negative. Teaching refugees, you build relationships, offer students the opportunity to express themselves, and know that their life stories are respected.
Climate change disrupts the symbiotic relationship that sustains coral. Short-term stress allows recovery. But if it is sustained, coral dies.
Michele Gierck meets the people on the other end of the line
Ten years after the genocide Rwanda still mourns its dead.
Michele Gierck observes how education programs in Kenya are restoring hope for AIDS victims.
An extract from the book by Michele Gierck, 700 days in El Salvador.
Michele Gierck meets Ulli and Georgina Beier.
From humble peasant beginnings in rural China to international success as a dancer and author, Li Cunxin has achieved a destiny that few dared to dream.
As she slowly became a participant in this rural Mexican culture, Cate Kennedy was reminded of what her own culture has forgotten
Determined to preserve old stories and encourage young voices, tribal elders in Western Australia took a bold publishing step.
Michele M. Gierck reviews Arch and Martin Flanagan’s The Line: A Man’s Experience of the Burma Railway; A Son’s Quest to Understand.
13-23 out of 23 results.