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Vol 34 No 15

29 July 2024



    On the buses

    • Michele Frankeni
    • 30 July 2024

    From the colorful cast of characters to the unexpected moments of human connection with local multicultural, multi-ethnic communities, the humble bus ride offers a surprising window into the soul of a city and can be a source of joy if you let it. 


    Vatican document focuses on process, not problems

    • Bill Uren
    • 30 July 2024

    The Vatican's new Instrumentum Laboris outlines the path forward for the Synod on Synodality, but with a heavy emphasis on process over substance. While it acknowledges the need for greater women's involvement, it firmly reinforces the authority of the Pope and bishops, raising questions about the true potential for change.


    Ignatius and the art of friendship

    • Andrew Hamilton
    • 30 July 2024

    In an age marked by increasing tribalism, Ignatius Loyola offers a counterintuitive lens through which to examine the nature of human connection. Renowned as a strict disciplinarian, Loyola is often cast as a distant, austere figure. Yet, beneath his armor of religious rigor lies a nuanced and rich understanding of friendship.