The letters which have come in on 5 September relating to Andrew Hamilton's article What makes a site sacred?
Kirsty Whitfield
05-Sep-2006 I must admit - I do the same
Mark Dugdale
05-Sep-2006 Father Hamilton, you are so uncharitable in your charity. "The visiting celebrant innocently blessed the mural and prayed ... "! Oh, really! You really would have us believe that the ubiquitous Fr Frank Brennan SJ did not know what was going on? Yet in your view, the poor long-suffering Parish Priest could only comment "that this mob knew nothing about obedience". You ought to be ashamed of yourself.
Brett Doyle
05-Sep-2006 Witty but irresponsible. Since moving to Redfern, the Neo-cats have been subject to a campaign of on-gong vilification as instanced by the Church Mouse website. It's sad that Jesuits seem to find this a topic for light-hearted amusement.
Neville Ward
05-Sep-2006 The spiritual challenge here is for all involved to reflect, charitably and justify their respective attitude and position. If this doesn't lead to a charitable reconciliation then there really is a problem much, much more significant than the mural. It should remain more than ever as a reminder of how not to behave. Spirit must be the winner here - not rules!!
05-Sep-2006 shame on you for encouraging the ongoing humiliation, of a brother priest, by a small group of fanatics in that parish.The same group who gave the previous priest a nervous breakdown. shame
john hill
04-Sep-2006 Oh, so true. Irony and truth can work so well in tandem. Thanks Andrew for spelling out the humour so central to our belief systems.
Kel Hutton
04-Sep-2006 Aboriginal people have a more attitude to sharing than in our European culture. My amusement was a misguided (I guess) enjoyment of the discomfiture of one was so concerned at the "disobedience" to his illconsidered ban on posting an excellent mural. How about the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
David Strong SJ
04-Sep-2006 Well done, Andrew, you gave me a good laugh too. Thank you for your human and Christian reponse to a tragic situation at Redfern.