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The moral life is more than carrots and sticks

  • 10 September 2018


Almost everywhere I go to talk about ethics, I face some variation of the question: 'Why be ethical?' The question flummoxes and depresses me. That's partly because I can't help but feel the question is basically 'What's in it for me?' dressed up with a bit of academic, devil's advocate flavour. But it's also because to ask that question at all, you've got to have a pretty bleak sense of who people, at their core, really are.

But all the same, there are lots of people who have set out to answer precisely this question. Most of them are somehow connected to the world of institutions — government, business, non-profits and so on. You know, all the groups who studies suggest are haemorrhaging trust.

There's nothing wrong with answering this question per se — in fact, it's an interesting and challenging project that's challenged philosophers since more or less the time the disciplined divorced from theology. But the answers are leaving me more-or-less equally disheartened as the questions themselves.

One common answer has to do with trust. And the thinking fits pretty well into the carrot/stick dialectic. The carrot approach goes a bit like this: data tells us ethical organisations are more trusted by other stakeholders, recruit and retain better staff and might even make more money.

The stick approach goes like this: unethical behaviour leads to a decline in trust, which leads to increased regulation, reporting and accountability. It stifles innovation, restricts opportunities and costs money.

The second answer is alluded to in the discussion of trust: regulation. The reason you should be ethical is because if you don't we'll catch you and hold you accountable for what you've done. People can't be trusted to do the right thing, so we introduce safeguards to stop them from doing the wrong thing.

These two arguments boil down to self-interest on one hand and fear on the other. They respond to the part of humanity that is self-interested, petty and manipulative. That's not necessarily a problem — failing to manage this aspect of humanity usually leaves the most vulnerable to suffer — but it's an incomplete picture of who we are.


"The more we conflate ethics with trust, regulatory standards or "enlightened self-interest", the less space we allow for morality to play a salvific role — not just to stop bad, but to make good."


About 250 years ago, the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (pictured above) wrote The Groundwork

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