Selected poems
We worry about not getting translated
Or having to pay the translator
Or having to pay the translator too much for not doing good enough
Or having to pay the translator for losing our own face
Or having not been translated into enough languages
Or having not won an award in a translated language
Or having only won an award, not two, in a translated language
Or having not been awarded across the translated languages
Or having to be machine translated
We are what but worry?
You can't hang a name
On a hook in the sky
Nor can you hang a word
On that hook of air
How do you know that the poem
Is about her, not about her, or her-her?
Time stays to leave
Time is a word with zero teeth
An apple being cut and eaten
Its hard white flesh in that living hand
That musics its way into the night
Another number about to die
Why not just install this pair
Of eyes in the slit of things?
The message
You are saying these people are not good enough because they come from elsewhere
You are saying their English is too creative for your fine sensibilities
You are saying their growing numbers are a constant threat
You are saying they are never as good as you, genetically even
You are saying no
You are saying yes to only what comes cheap
You are saying they do not deserve the largess
You are saying people are so kind towards them, no, too kind
You are saying things should never have happened like that
You are saying you would never do the same if it were you
You are saying you wish things were different, like before
You are saying you can't compromise quality
You are saying you always put quality first, before race
You are saying you belong to a people of no colour
You are saying you never concern yourself with things like that
You are saying but you do have a problem
You are saying that you prefer
You are saying that you choose to
You are saying you are a rarity that refuses to be contaminated
You are saying it's not too late —
You are not saying any of theseYou make it possible that they remain failuresThe least you can do
Defriend them
Deselect their titles
Delete their addresses
Defeat their purposes
Deny them what they have denied you
Dilapidate anything to do with them
Dissociate the sky they think they are
Disprove that single thing they call 'theirs'
Ouyang Yu is a poet still alive and writing. Enough said.