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Spring: Thirty short poems

  • 21 November 2016


Stacking disheslate at night.There was a word today, what was it?What notestill unresolved?


Turmoils of the nightare shadows of a campfire.At daybreakonly lightin the still, clear valley below.


The earth is flooded,Spring comes;a rainbow rises out of the oceanacross the black road.Remembranceandrenewal.


Bookstumble off the shelves,(catch one, quick!)remake themselves;imagination flowering.


Handsso expertly turnthe steering wheel.Speeding finesse.Watch that pothole!What a mess.


The moon. 5am.Spring bulb in my window.What is it?What news?What will grow today?


Sometimesall that is givenis the next step;the next wordinside.


Off my necksilk scarf sweepsup high in a tree; purple streak waving.The wind tosses the world.Wake up! Wake up!


Hug my daughterhome from schoolwithout second thought.Think later:for a child todayin Nauru Detention Centre no hug would ever bethis second thought.


Counting angelsdancing on a pinhead?How about,making countthe strangerwho stands right in front of me.


Love lies hidden.Quick!Look under the moss,hear the stone sing.


Friend, we drank tea togetheryesterday; now you are a galaxy away.Please say helloto Sister Moon.May Brother Sundrink tea with you today.


Mother Earth is groaning


Dislocation. Disconnection. Displacement.Only you, only you, only youcan take us home.


Spooks and ghosts haunt.The clear eye sees the illusion,knows the painof the wounded self.


Open the gate.This one!The unresolved and painful;it will offerfresh revelation.


Buoyed away on high seas,creative ideas racing;the mind seeks its anchor:the breath, the body.


Friday afternoon.Long, slow, city line of cars ahead.Rest the mindin silence,in You.


Forget the question:Does God exist.Simplyawakenyour eyes.


Capricious Spring.Trickster season.Heavy, black, unending cloudscrack apart;flawless sunlight streams.


Undefendedthe heart is easily wounded,but knows life.Behind a fortresslies only illusion.


End of church service.In the narthex,hearts and minds transitionfrom the Eucharistto the trait of each human face.


Oceans of booksor, only one book,no matter — paths home.


Grim business, this life. Remember thougha bird's feather,abandoned joy,floating.


In the carstraight down the freeway;but the mind wandersthrough hidden creeks,over distant mountains.


The Spiritelusive, wandering breathasks of us, though,to be sharp, fire-boned listening.


DrinkingHot Koko Black with a friend.We talk God, poetry,our respective cats.What possible else?


Tailspinning mindthrough space;thankful,for the steadying voiceof a friend.


Mid-November.This season of Revelation,wars and floods and earthquakes;despite it all,the blossoming lavender remembersits perfume for late Spring bees.


A line of musicmurmurs in the mind:this day's soundtrack.



Carol O'Connor is a Melbourne writer and poet. Carol manages St Peters Bookroom and keeps a blog on its website.


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