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Scanning the Horizon

  • 24 July 2006

At six-thirty a.m. I drive the back road from Shoalhaven Heads to Berry, winding past Seven Mile Winery, the bronze-yellow scarring the ocean's line of horizon, past the bed and breakfasts, round the sweeping bend of Far Meadow, avoiding the potholes that like a cancer refuse to be mended, watching the bleeding sky behind turn milk-white ahead, past Rumbles Earthmoving, the fiery clusters of the coral trees lining the road, to the left, towards Nowra, orange lights of homesteads marooned deep in the steaming vale, the mill-smoke drugged and white, suspended in air, the near cows like monuments in the low-level mist probed here and there by a scalpel blade of sun, over Broughton Creek bridge drowning in its image, the skin of the water unblemished but for a solitary duck cutting a lesion from the farther reeds, past the old Creamery, a lone jogger exhaling the vapour of his smouldering pain, and over the crossing to the station: and my three hour train ride to where the specialist at her city desk prescribes for me another, unfamiliar road I'm now on.

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