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Poems about Gaza

  • 03 February 2009

Reflecting on Gaza Anne Benjamin

I on a night sharp with winter ice burning skin — Israel swears revenge Hamas swears days of wrath

II before the bombing choked of necessities grim survival — women scrounge for money to buy vermin-riddled flour

III in houses close to the target windows shatter — a sixteen year old girl dies from cold and fright

IV phosphorus above empty streets arches — politicians promise vengeance will bring peace

V after the bombing they dispatch supplies medicine and food — a doctor waits beside children's corpses

VI morning comes red with haze and fire — swirling in the dust from Gaza and Israel children play together


Lament over Gaza Deborah Ruiz Wall

It crushes my heart to watch injured and lifeless children in Gaza — collateral damage or sheer madness? 'Land is life', my Indigenous mentors proclaimed, but I see its antithesis now when tortured eyes conjure bipolar images of stories retold over and over by diasporic tribes where past, present and future coalesce in a war of retribution so that in Palestine: land equals death.

Talk is not cheap, the war machine that silences the whispering from beyond our earthly dreams, will keep us all in chains — away from reaching the fullness of our humanity, away from our oneness with the sanctity of all life.

Anne Benjamin has won awards for her short stories and her educational publications and has had some poetry published. She presently works part-time as a consultant and is Adjunct Professor within the School of Leadership Australian Catholic University Strathfield. Deborah Ruiz Wall is the author of Reconciliation, Love and Other Poems (Women's Reconciliation Network, Sydney, 2006) and a former board member of the NSW Reconciliation Council.

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