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Paul Collins


Paul collins headshotPaul Collins is an historian, broadcaster and writer. The author of 13 books, his most recent is The Birth of the West (2013). He is well known as a commentator on Catholicism and the papacy and has also written about the environment and population.



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As informed people know, the Victorian fires are a replica of the Tasmanian fires 1987. You didn't mention those fires and circumstances

richard Hodgman | 11 February 2009  

Thanks for your article on Abbott and Santamaria. My youthful experience was somewhat similar to yours; I was even a junior member of the movement as a 16 yo - briefly. I think that the intellectual link with Franco et al is more plausible than Gerard Henderson credits. In 1950, I remember the Christian Brother in charge of our class extolling the virtues of Franco and then expressing outrage when the referendum to ban the Communist Party failed. He even blamed our parents! It was the beginning of doubts about it all for me.
Keep writing!

Peter McCarthy | 19 August 2010  

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