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Asylum for an exile at home

  • 10 February 2009
the necessary the necessary leap, hands in fiction, praying earth. necessary

ponder, mind spent on tessellating. necessary scent

of rosemary, blood and order. necessary trust in tome and tongue? necessary

stained wonder. necessary still

Kevin Gillam

nyc.com.au 'And I will give to thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger ...' –Genesis 17:8

A new pretence of destination this virtual asylum for an exile at home speaking with anonymities your community is at call and liberty, the she-gestalt stands o.er an alien harbour.

Reconfigured Athené, shrouded by freedom's glorious mystery, her new clothes, machinery you interacted, pressing on buttons of conceit, the 'put on' display at your installation, touch typing each public countenance — her body sculpted by binary coded DNA — from the vanity of believers, her GM flower grows, on screen her field lies, the land of promise wherein thou art a stranger — all flesh is glass — resident at your a.dressing.

Ben Hession

Kevin Gillam is a West Australian writer with work published in numerous Australian and overseas journals. His two published books of poetry are Other Gravities (2003) and Permitted To Fall (2007), both by SunLine Press.


Ben Hession's poetry was commended in a South Coast Writers Centre competition in 2006, and received a prize at Sappho's Books in Glebe this year. He coordinates an annual community radio Language of Origin series of ethnic language poetry as a part of National Poetry Week.

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