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Tim Kroenert

Tim Kroenert smilingTim Kroenert was the editor and film reviewer for Eureka Street. He previously worked for five years with The Salvation Army's National Editorial Department, working as a subeditor and staff writer across its various publications including the flagship publication Warcry. He is a published fiction writer and his articles and reviews have appeared in The Age, Inside Film, WQ, the Courier-Mail and The Big Issue.


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Fiona Katauskas

  • Fiona Katauskas

Fiona Katauskas draws a weekly political cartoon for Eureka Street. She is a Sydney based cartoonist and illustrator. Her work has also appeared in The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Australian and New Matilda. Her political cartoons also pop up regularly in the Museum of Australian Democracy's annual Behind the Lines exhibition and Scribe Publications' Best Political Cartoons of the year anthologies.


Greg Foyster

  • Greg Foyster

Greg Foyster is a Melbourne writer and the author of the book Changing Gears.

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