My favourite apps
This little app drives the car for you while you're textingChanges gears, changes lanes, changes everything
This little app pushes the child on the swing while you're tweetingBack and forward, back and forward
This little app thanks the bus-driver, the taxi-driver, the butcherThis little app watches the movie and eats the popcorn while you're messagingThis little app talks to the neighbour, the carpenter, the courierThis little app listens to the band while you're filmingThis little app chats to the checkout girl, the baker, the green-grocer
This little app eats the meal you're InstagrammingThis little app crosses the road, the driveway, the train tracks for you
This little app makes eye contact with passers-byThis little app apologises for you
This little app catches the child who's falling from the swing
This little app calls the ambulance after the car-crashThis little app prays for you in Intensive CareAnd this little app blesses the soulOf the other driver
Vin Maskell
There is a 'Witching-Hour'that hits before the set time for the demon-walkingprobably the darkest period of my diurnal rhythmcoming in the wake of a lived-day with so many facets— so many loosed-ends —for the one not yet ready to move to the bed-room modeof cocoon-thinking percolated by pre-midnight radio
For this period of the night TV has an addictive dominancewith an uncertainty as to how to negotiate my waythrough the labyrinth of the many proto-thoughtsthat crowd the corridors of a tired-brain
Proto-thinking is the demon-in-the-machine of this lifethe frustrations of so many possibilitiesstill-born or severely stuntedlimping their way through a half-lifeof 'what-could-have-beens'
Buried in the shallow-graves of unhallowed ground— what might they be in the resurrection?
John Cranmer
Night in the Glenferrie Hotel
late night tv : the final scenes of a '90s rom com :its pop-song soundtrack more precise
in its method than carbon dating : neat turnsof plot with all the customary fidelities : i reach
for the remote : to flick the silence back on :only to find the reception blocked : by the traffic
on burwood road : the wash of it : in this citythat will not sleep :
Thom Sullivan
Elements of Night
night with its dark carriages of hours : in a hotel roomin dili a telephone is ringing : there's no
apprehension : just the fragments of a picture-tubeshining, coming into focus : & memories
of a first-floor room: its view out over the suburb :in the minutes after midnight : as the tides
of light & dark reversed their pull : i am kept awake