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Political shoe (for Julia Gillard)

  • 02 October 2012

The political shoe and the imaginaryFor Julia Gillard

When I said, My foot slippeth; thy mercy, O LORD, held me up. In the multitude of my thoughts within me thy comforts delight my soul. Psalm 94

The political shoe is thrown at a duck-head,banged like a sole-mallet on the table,or simply slips off a dragging foot,a snake skin from an oh-so-tired snake,who finds itself grown a little too bigand seeks a less insecure self,like an idea that has been sequesteredjust a short two centuries too long.

The imaginary shoe fits Cinderellalike a second vulva, never shattering,fits Pussy-Cats like certainty,and take long league stridesover peasants and amazed cattle,or dances and dances, until the bad girl'sred legs are chopped off, stumped,by the same woodcutter who freed the wolf.


Corners and angles

Sideways glancing, I always liked misplaced things.The workers' entrances, the back-stair wag's tales.The Trotskyists and the Jesuits, the leprechaun'sinexplicable one shoe, repaired for who knowswhat weird tap-dancing sailor, waving albatrosseslike flirty boas of jazz. Some would-be statuesgaze nobly into middle distance, past percussivepigeons spurting white scorn. Others see nothing at all,exploring only knobbly inside of over-weighted head,muttering toxic monologues like rancid spread.Sometimes I recognise those sweeping creviceswith scuttling glance, finding the ear-less slipped ear-ring,or a banana blackened into smelly comma, cicada skins,toffee wrappers and well-worn fragments of quirk.Our eyes meet momentarily, then slip away,to corners and angles and chords of discard.


Albanian bowels

Travelling between our South of Southand Europe's sprinkled dust of nation,we had the two seats next to an Albanian.He never moved. We climbed over him, pesky,tree kangaroos grappling with marble gum.Easter Island Albanian didn't shift.Was he stopped up with drugged punctuation?Or is Albania the natural home of iron bladdersand granite bowels? I cannot say, but atCharles de Gaulle we left him, unmoved still.On reflection, I sometimes dearly wishfor a temper more self-contained and sweet,and an Albanian's gruff, set-in-concrete, seat.


Strong language

works out. See how he liftssentences into the air,and plonks them downwith a metallic crash?Strong wears a hoodieeven at the gym(he is at the gym most days).Those four letter words!He grunts and tucksand aspirates.Strong is hungry for lovebut can't quite get the word out.The l strokes his tonguelike a lozenge of sweet,but the word he producesis a tucked bit, and blunt.Poor Strong! Half-cocked,orphaned and alone. 

P. S. Cottier's suite 'Selection Criteria for Death' was just published by Blemish Books as part of Triptych Poets Issue Three. She lives in Canberra. 

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