The inaugural Eureka Street/Reader's Feast Award the Margaret Dooley Award for Young Writers 2008 were presented by Mary Dalmau of Reader's Feast bookstore and Tim Kroenert from Eureka Street at the opening of the Reader's Feast Crime and Justice Festival on 18 July.
Pictured below (in descending order), with festival patron Brendan Kilty SC, are Tony Kevin (Winner, Eureka Street/Reader's Feast Award), Irfan Yusuf and Arnold Zable (Highly Commended, Eureka Street/Reader's Feast Award), Ruth Limkin (Winner, Margaret Dooley Award 2008), Jonathan Hill (Second Place, Margaret Dooley Award 2008) and Cara Munro (Third Place, Margaret Dooley Award 2008).
Photos by Greg Noakes.
More details on the winners and their essays